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5 Budget Friendly Southeast Asian Cities for Foodies

We’re not saying these cities should be on your bucket list, because there are too many “bucket list” lists on the internet today. With that being said, this list of Southeast Asian cities for foodies is a list of cities that a;; food lovers should consider visiting at some point.

Southeast Asia is a unique region. It wins people over with a combination of friendly people, cheap food, great hotels, and amazing scenery at nearly every location.

Asia remained closed off to tourists for longer than other regions, but Asia, and Southeast Asia in particular are reopening and are making it clear they want visitors to return.

In this list we’ll be looking at five great city options in Southeast Asia that will tick of all the boxes for foodies. For those that care less about the food, these are still excellent destinations for cultural experiences.

Bharath Mohan / Unsplash

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Bangkok doesn’t make our list of Southeast Asian cities for foodies, but it is a great city and offers its own delicious delights. It’s also crowded and fairly mainstream. However, consider Chiang Mai on your next trip to Thailand. No, Chiang Mai is certainly not a secret, but it offers a unique Thailand experience that you can’t get further down country.

Increasingly airlines are noticing the draw of Chiang Mai. Even Qatar Airways is expected to resume regular flights from Doha to Chiang Mai from December to May every year.

For hotels there are a variety of options from luxurious nature escapes to backpacker hostels. In fact, Chiang Mai has been popular as a backpacker destination, but too many pictures have been shared on Instagram and now the rest of the world knows about it too.

Doi Inthanon is a perfect attraction for food lovers who also enjoy hiking, and most of all, want a redeeming holiday.

When to Visit Chiang Mai: April to October is your cheapest option. It’s when tourists begin to thin out and the weather is still good. If you want to avoid humidity, visit anytime from November to February.

Chiayi, Taiwan

Recently Chiayi has been making headlines, and a good deal of that can be credited to Netflix’s “Street Food Asia” series. Now that it’s been in the spotlight, it’s better to go sooner rather than later.

There’s more to see here than the city itself and its delicious delights. From Chiayi is also where you can access the Alishan mountains. When picturing these mountains, which are said tot be the most beautiful in the region, think dense forest and amazing vistas.

But, how to get to Chiayi? Via high speed train it’s about 90 minutes from Taipei and Kaohsiung. You can also check out EVA Air and China Airlines for flights.

Not only is Chiayi attractive for its food, but it’s also a great excuse to explore more of Taiwan and have an experience outside of the more touristy locations.

When to visit Chiayi: If you want to be more than just cool as a traveler, visit during the winter months of January through March. If you want to catch the cherry blossoms, then plan for a trip in late March or early April. Generally, think of coming in the spring or fall. The summer is hot and humid.
Mike Swigunski / Unsplash

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City, which is also called Saigon, isn’t just another city in Vietnam, it’s a powerful trip through history. The Vietnam War is probably what comes to mind, but it’s a city of French and Vietnamese fusion that is present from the Banh Xero crepes to the colonial buildings.

If you don’t want to be confined to the city, there are nature oriented options. You can venture out tot he Can Be floating markets or the smaller Ben Tre. There are also beaches just an hour or so from the city.

A visit to Ho Chi Minh City is a great way to start or end a trip.

When to visit Ho Chi Minh City: If you want a city abuzz with energy, visit in January, February, or March when temperatures drop and the humidity is low. But if you don’t mind the heat, visit in August or September.
Sung Shin / Unsplash

Luang Prabang, Laos

This one might be surprising and maybe you’re even a little scared to visit. But there’s no need to be, check out our guide to visiting Laos.

There are direct flights from multiple Asian cities such as Singapore or Bangkok. The visa process is incredibly simple and if you make a mistake, you just pay a few dollars to have it fixed for you.

Lao people are very friendly and are proud of what they do, even when it comes to local cuisine. Coffee lovers must visit this city and if you like beer, it’s just USD$1 per bottle. For food, any street vendor is going to serve you an amazing (and stomach safe) meal for just a couple of dollars.

When you’re there, consider a sunset river cruise on the Mekong River. it might be one of the most memorable things you’ll ever do.

When to visit Luang Prabang: From October to April is the dry season and it’s when most people go. If you’re willing to deal with a little rain in exchange for lush green vegetation and less tourists, visit in July.

Penang, Malaysia

Penang is on our list of Southeast Asian cities for foodies because it has been a capital of food for Southeast Aisa because a fascinating mix of Chinese, Malay, and Southeast Asian heritage. Foodies in Penang are in a culinary heaven. Along with he delicious food you get the sentry experience of smokey woks creating fusion dishes before your eyes.

For accommodation you can book luxury hotel escapes or go for something more mainstream and cheaper.Visiting Penang is a great thing for a couple days, which then can be combined with a visa to nearby Langkawi. With a Penang/Langkawi itinerary, you have an ideal recipe for blending culture and relaxation.

When to visit Penang: Visiting between February and April will help you avoid busier times of the year while the weather is still enjoyable. But, if you want the feeling of being around other travelers and the temperatures are coolest, visit Penang sometime between November and January.

Yaopey Yong / Unsplash