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Eat, Pray(?), Shop? The 8 Sacred Shrines of Ratchaprasong

The Ratchaprasong Intersection is one of the busiest shopping districts in downtown Bangkok. The city itself rarely sleeps, and Ratchaprasong is another level entirely. The non-stop buzz of activity between Siam Paragon and Central World, two of Bangkok’s biggest and most popular shopping malls is chaotic. Buses and tuk-tuks zip past, and hoards of tourists, students, and business-people hurry along their way, barely pausing for a moment. But amidst all this, there is a sacred secret: eight great shrines to various Hindu deities scattered throughout the area.

The Eight Sacred Shrines of Ratchaprasong are dedicated to various Hindu, Brahmin and Buddhist gods and goddesses.

You can visit all of the shrines and pray for good fortune, success in business & even love! Ratchaprasong is the heart of Bangkok?s commercial center containing many of Bangkok?s most popular shopping malls. All of the shrines are located within minutes of each other around the Ratchaprasong intersection, also known as the Intersection of the gods.

They’re all located inside or outside shopping malls or hotels.

1. Indra Shrine

The God of Thunder.

Indra is the Hindu god of lightning, thunder, and the heavens, and is the king of the gods. He is the remover of obstacles and the bringer of happiness.

Indra is also revered in Buddhism as the god who encouraged the Buddha to become a teacher to mankind, and he is seen as a protector and defender. Indra even appears on the seal of the City of Bangkok, riding his great elephant (Erawan). In fact, the ceremonial name of Bangkok refers to the city as “given by Indra”.

The image located outside Amarin Plaza is green with golden embellishment and made from solid jade. Indra has four arms and in his hands he carries a dagger, a trident, a bow, and a conch shell.

Location of the Indra Shrine

The Indra Shrine is located at the corner of Amarin Plaza, just down the stairs from the BTS Skytrain Chitlom Station.

Visitors to the Indra Shrine can buy marigold flowers and incense from an attendant at the shrine to give as an offering. Pray at the shrine for prosperity and protection from evil.

2. Erawan Shrine

Shrine of Lord Brahma the Great – The God of Creation

The Erawan Shrine is a Bangkok landmark. Officially, the shrine is the spirit house of the Erawan Hotel (Grand Hyatt Erawan), another Bangkok landmark. However, it’s become so much more than a spirit house.

During its construction in 1956, the Erawan Hotel was plagued by misfortune, setbacks, and bad luck. In a desperate attempt to ward off this negative karma, the management consulted an astrologer who suggested the construction of a magnificent shrine to the four-faced god of creation, Brahma (Phra Prom in Thai). This shrine is one of only a few shrines to Brahma in the world.

The Erawan Shrine is lively, colorful, and incredibly popular. Visitors offer marigold garlands, incense, and candles while praying for protection and the clearing of obstacles. The statue has four faces, one facing in each cardinal direction.

Location of the Erawan Shrine

The Erawan Shrine is located in front of the Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel, at the corner of Ratchadamri Road, Between BTS Chitlom and Siam Stations.

A troupe of traditional Thai dancers will perform a dance as a prayer for worshipers kneeling and facing the shrine. it’s a unique spiritual ritual. If you make a donation and queue up, you can hire the dancers for a prayer honoring Brahma.

There are plenty of vendors around the shrine selling all sorts of items to be used as offerings.

The Erawan Shrine, also known as the Tao Maha Phrom Shrine is the most well known of the eight sacred shrines of Ratchaprasong. It’s one of Thailand?s most sacred shrines and also one of Bangkok’s most visited tourist sites, attracting large crowds every day. The Erawan Shrine features Brahma the god of creation. He is the king of the gods. Brahma has four heads and four arms. He’s armed with four sacred items and weapons to ward off evil. The Brahma at Erawan carries magic beads, a magical water jug, a lotus blossom, and holy scripts. The image is made of gold.

3. Narayana Shrine

The God of Protection

The Shrine of Narayana atop Garuda stands in front of the InterContinental Hotel, offering protection and deflecting evil spirits.

Narayana is another name for Vishnu, the Preserver.

Narayana (Vishnu) is the god of protection looking after the earth, heaven and hell, using his power to ensure that good prevails over evil. He is accompanied by the sacred Garuda. It is believed that Narayana can appear in many different forms with the Lord Buddha one of them.

The image of Narayana at the InterContinental Hotel stands on the shoulders of the sacred god Garuda. The mighty bird-like Garuda is a mythological Hindu/Buddhist figure that is one of the cultural symbols of Thailand. The four-armed Narayana is carrying a disc, mace, conch, and lotus.

Garuda, the great eagle, is a symbol of royal power in Thailand.

Location of the Narayana Shrine

The Narayana Shrine is located across the street from the Erawan and Indra Shrines, in front of the InterContinental Hotel. Go up and over the sky bridge to reach this shrine. The Narayana Shrine is the centerpiece of a fountain in front of the hotel.

The Narayana Shrine is in front of the InterContinental Hotel, next to Gaysorn Village and opposite Amarin Plaza.

The shrine is fairly quiet. Visitors leave offerings of small cups of water, flowers, incense, and fruit and pray for protection from evil, as Narayana is believed to bring spiritual balance.

4. Lakshmi Shrine

The Goddess of Wealth and Fortune

Lakshmi is the consort of Narayana, and the goddess of wealth and fortune. Tucked away in a quiet corner of Gaysorn Plaza’s roof, the Lakshmi Shrine can be a bit difficult to find. She stands, a golden statue clad in robes, looking out over Bangkok, protecting businesses and offering good fortune.

The image has four arms and is mounted on a large golden lotus blossom base. Lakshmi is holding two lotus blossoms, her wrists are wrapped in bracelets and she wears a long gown. A beautiful golden crown adorns her head while strings of pearls hang from her body. Below the base is a circular waterway with running water containing floating lotus flowers.

Location of the Lakshmi Shrine

The Lakshmi Shrine can be a little hard to find if you don’t know where to look. Unlike most of the other shrines on this list, the Lakshmi and Jatulokbal Shrines are not on the street, but rather on a rooftop. The Lakshmi Shrine is located on the fourth floor rooftop terrace of the Gaysorn Plaza shopping center. To reach the shrine, enter Gaysorn Plaza (next to the InterContinental Hotel) and take the elevators at the center of the mall to the 4th floor. From the outdoor terrace, the Lakshmi Shrine is on the corner to the left looking out across the city.

Lakshmi is said to like pink. People leave offerings of pink lotus blossoms, incense, and coins. Visitors pray for an increase in luck, wealth, and prosperity

5. Jatulokbal Shrine

The God of Directions

Lord Tao Jatulokbal is a combination of four gods, the “Four Heavenly Kings”, into one statue. Each god represents one of the cardinal directions. Jatulokbal preserves the teachings of Buddhism and protects the humans on earth.

The Jatulokbal Shrine is the newest of the nine shrines of Ratchaprasong. Jatulokbal is the god of four directions, protector of north, south, east and west. Jatulokbal is a combination of four of the most powerful gods rolled into one. His aim is to ensure that peace reigns on earth and to offer protection from danger and evil.

The other role of Jatulokbal is that of the protector of the Buddhist religion. In his eight arms, Jatulokbal holds a sword, spear, conch shell, a disc, a bag of gold coins, and a scepter. The color of the statue is an attractive shade of blue mixed with gold.

The four gods are Vesuwan, Kuvera, Thao & Todtarode. They are each represented by one of the four faces. Each god looks after the direction he is facing. Jatulokbal is worshipped by those in danger or who hold dangerous jobs.

Location of the Jatulokbal Shrine

The shrine is on the fourth-floor outdoor terrace at Gaysorn Village opposite Central World. It?s just around the corner from the Lakshmi Shrine.

Visitors can pray for luck, power, protection, and prosperity by lighting incense. If you are going on a trip, you can ask for protection, as Jatulokbal looks out over every direction.

6. Umathevi Shrine

The Goddess of Compassion

The Umathevi Shrine is dedicated to the goddess of compassion. Women particularly pray here for success and leadership.

Location of the Umathevi Shrine

The Umathevi Shrine is located in front of Big C Supercenter, across from Central World shopping mall. From Gaysorn Plaza, exit the building and turn right towards Big C. This large shrine is easy to spot, just in front of the entrance to the shopping center.

You can leave flowers, fruit, and incense as offerings. Signs at the shrine say not to leave clothes or meat as offerings.

7. Trimurti Shrine

The God of Love

The Trimurti Shrine represents the unity of the three great gods of Hinduism: Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma. In Thailand, Trimurti is the god of love. This shrine was constructed to balance out the power from the Brahma Shrine at the Erawan Hotel across the street, but has been moved further down the road in years since.

Heartbroken? Lonely? Offer red roses, available from the vendors near the shrine, to the god of love.

Couples can pray for success in their relationship, and lonely singles can pray for luck in love. Flower vendors have set up shop around the shrine, which is especially popular in the evenings. Trimurti is said to be especially receptive to answering prayers on Tuesday and Thursday nights.

Location of the Trimurti Shrine

Cross the street from Big C to Central World, one of the largest shopping malls in Bangkok. The Trimurti and Ganesh Shrines are right next to each other in front of the mall. The Trimurti Shrine is to the left, and the Ganesh Shrine is to the right.

8. Ganesh Shrine

The God of Wisdom and Success

The final shrine on this small pilgrimage is the Shrine to Ganesh, located just adjacent to the Trimurti Shrine. Ganesh is the elephant-headed god of success, and is especially popular with students, teachers, and other professions requiring wisdom.

The Elephant headed, human bodied Ganesha is the god of success renowned for his intelligence, power, and virtue. He is the son of the god of destruction and the goddess of compassion. Ganesh carries a short-handled trident, a broken tusk, rope, and beads, with a snake around his belly to signify power from within. Ganesha is believed to protect those involved in education and the arts. He is especially worshiped by musicians, actors, writers, and students to bring success in their work and studies.In front of the shrine is a plaque in English translating a mantra that should be spoken three times when praying to Ganesh.

Location of the Ganesh Shrine

The Ganesh Shrine is also in front of CentralWorld, just to the right of the Trimurti Shrine. Both shrines can be found just outside one of the entrances to CentralWorld shopping mall.

Offer marigold garlands, fruit, incense, or Thai snacks to Ganesh and pray for luck and blessings of wisdom and creative inspiration.

Now It’s Your Turn!

Now you too can partake in a small pilgrimage to the Eight Sacred Shrines of Ratchaprasong. Take a break from the shopping and discover the more spiritual side of Ratcahaprasong.