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Never Check Your Bag Again

There are some people out there, and maybe you’re one of them, who think that no matter what they can’t take a flight without checked baggage. I think I can change that and given the increase in prices due to inflation and the chaos of summer travel, I think I can encourage you to not check your bag on your next flight.

It’s possible to travel all around the globe with nothing more than a carry on. I’ve done it before and believe it or not, you can too.

It’s a process and one that is never fully complete. It’s a continuing evolution of removing what’s unnecessary and then refining how what you do bring is packed. Remember, in this case it’s not what you bring that makes a difference, but what you don’t bring.

Still unsure? Think about the benefits such as disembarking from the plane and skipping the baggage claim and starting your holiday faster than usual. Plus, you can avoid the large crowd at the carousel.

Continue reading for some tips so you can avoid the annoying fees and ditch your checked bag.

Let’s start by asking two questions.

What Will You get?

I don’t know about you, but in my personal experience, I’ve never stayed in a hotel or AirBnB that doesn’t offer a complimentary shaving or toothbrush kit. Sometimes a request is required, but that’s a small price to pay. Plus, without request many accommodations provide shampoo, conditioner, hair dryers and body wash. As.a bonus that’s a lot of liquids you can ditch for your carry on too.

Admittedly, a toothbrush isn’t going to greatly affect your packing space. However, it’s the other stuff like toothpaste tubes which take up space just like a bottle of shampoo or conditioner. Before packing toiletries, find out what you can get for free at your accommodation.

What’s Cheaper to Buy?

If you have a credit card that offers a free checked bag or have earned an elite traveler status with an airline, this might not be important to you. But if you’re like most of us, it’s very important.

A checked baggage typically costs about $50 or $100 round trip if not purchased with the ticket. It’s worth asking yourself, “What can I buy when I get there?”

Simple math tells us that it’s anything that has a grand total less than the bag fee you’ll be charged. If you need $40 worth of cosmetics, lotions, gear, or other items than it’s cheaper than checking a bag.

Plus, super fast shipping options are available in many places, so you can ship items to your hotel for delivery on the same day as your arrival. Less hassle and more savings!

Now that we’ve cleared these two important questions, there’s one more to ask yourself.

Have I exceeded My Allowance?

If you want real success when trying to not check your bag than investing in a solid carry on is the best first step.

With a few exceptions, such as some low cost airlines, most economy tickets allow both a full sized roller type carry on bag and a “small” personal item.

This typically means the roller type carry on and something like the size of a backpack. The small personal item needs to be able to fit underneath the seat in front of you.

Taking this a step further, do you have something that won’t fit? Consider wearing it. There’s nothing wrong with dressing however you choose and wrapping a sweater or hoodie around for your flight. In addition to saving you from checking a bag, you’ve got a great blanket or pillow.

Roll It Up & Think Flexible

Rolling is more space efficient than folding, just ask anyone who has served in the military. Through rolling you can even pack more than a single pair of shoes and still go with just a carry on.

If you’ve gone through everything we’ve discussed so far and still over on space, it’s time to begin thinking strategically. Look at your clothing options and choose flexible layers. Flexible layers are things that work as both formal and casual wear. You can be prepared for any event while also eliminating redundant items.

Flexibility is especially true for shoes.

Do you have a pair of shoes that suits almost any footwear situation on a trip? Do you have a pair of workout shoes that work for both running and the gym? Or better yet a pair of shoes you can wear in the gym and casually on the street? The more you can do with an item the better off you’ll be in your pursuit of never checking a bag again.

Lastly, packing cubes, yes they seem silly but they really do work. Once you begin compartmentalizing you’ll realize how much more you can pack without busting the seams of your bag.

Last Resort – Ship It?

Sometimes it’s cheaper and easier to ship some stuff. This is something that I most commonly did in Japan. Skiing trip? Why fly with skis when I can send them to myself? Shipping means things will reach you for your stay, but you won’t need to carry them or awkwardly maneuver them around public spaces.

Shipping rates are becoming more competitive and checked baggage rates are not. A little advanced planning can go a long way. You might even be able to bring more stuff than what’s allowed for even checked bags.

Ditch That checked bag?

Are you ready to never check your bag again? You’ve been provided with the tools and a little bit of trip packing strategy. I hope it can be put to good use and you can now travel more efficiently than ever before with just your carry on and small personal item.