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Soon You’ll Be Able to Make Calls on EU Flights—Is This Actually a Good Thing?

Are you old enough to remember when mobile phones were new? Of so, then you likely remember the “new cellphone” owners who let everyone know they were using a mobile phone by projecting their conversation as if on a Broadway stage. The novelty of mobile phones has worn off as they become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives, many can still recall how it feels to be stuck in a small space with someone like this. It may become a reality once again.

The European Union recently announced that airlines within the 27-nation bloc would soon be able to allow passengers to use their phones to make calls, text, and access the internet while airborne. The EU has set a deadline of June 30, 2023 for airlines to have 5G bands installed and ready for use on aircraft.

In parts of the Middle East and Asia phone calls are already available, but in the US the FCC has banned phone calls on airplanes since 1991. For now the change inn EU rules won’t affect US passengers. According to EU officials, a major driver for the change is that it’ll be crucial for businesses. “5G will enable innovative services for people and growth opportunities for European companies,” said Thierry Breton, EU Commissioner for the Internal Market, in a statement.

As reading this you might be feeling happy to see the end the tradition of setting your device to Airplane Mode. But, will the tradeoff be a return to the obnoxious mobile phone yeller? The world has shifted to a more text-based communication style because of social media and texting, so maybe we’ll be saved from that headache inducing future.

The airplane is one of the few places in the modern world where you can escape the constant attention demands of notifications, phone calls, and texts, and it may be slowly losing its position as a place of serenity. Only time will tell if this will be as bad or good as it sounds.