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The Bangkok Amulet Market – Asia’s Largest Market of Its Type

The Amulet Market in Bangkok, Thailand is a century-old and the largest market for amulets in Asia. Not only can you find amulets, but there are also other superstitious items of different shapes and meanings to be find here.

The Amulet Market is located adjacent to Wat Mahathat, between the Chao Phraya River and Maha Rat Road around the Grand Palace. The core of the market is found behind the cafes and restaurants on the riverfront near the Chang Pier and The Maharaj Pier. The market is relatively easy to get to by stopping off at one of the these piers after taking a river ferry.

It’s a market that attracts a niche group of people. It’s also one of the rarest market experiences you can ever have.

This market is something of an institution in Bangkok, but in recent times the business has shifted towards a more formal approach. It’s becoming more difficult for amateurs and casual traders. Furthermore, there has been something of a push towards making Maha Rat Road less accessible to anyone who simply wants to come and sit on the pavement and ply their wares.

Filled with locals and visitors alike, everyone is here to pick through the vendors’ wares. Each person is looking for the special medallion or figurine that will do the trick for them. Some are looking to protect the harvest, bring good health, or even bless a new home. When it comes to the amulets themselves, there aren’t a lot of hard and fast rules.

Few of the articles for sale are larger than a baseball. In fact most fit easily in the palm of one’s hand. Many are purported to contain particles from sacred temples far away, such as spent incense or blessings from monks.

The exact protections of each amulet vary, offering to ward off evil of all manner, both spiritual and physical. The amulets can take the form of Buddhas bearing a range of expressions, to shards of bone, medallions, chunks of wood from sacred spaces, brass phalluses, or even real human parts like hair.

The Bangkok Amulet Market: What You Can Buy

Don’t come here expecting things like shamans performing divinations. It’s up to each person seeking out any particular item to identify which amulet appeals to their specific need. This may be one of the aspects of a visit to the Amulet Market that makes it somewhat intriguing to the uninitiated.

That same individualistic aspect makes a simple people-watching excursion to the Amulet Market one of the more gratifying and mystical experiences around, even if you aren’t looking to take home a small something with magical potential.

The Amulet Market is primarily known for countless options of amulets. However, there are a few famous talismans you can buy, and they are:

  1. Phra Kreaung: This is the most widely traded amulet which has the face of Buddha or a Buddhist monk. People wear it for protection and ranges in price between THB 20 (USD$0.50) to THB 20,000,000 (USD$530,000).
  2. Palad Khik: This is a penis-shaped amulet. It is known to increase one’s charm, luck, and prevent accidents. It can cost THB 20 (USD$0.50).
  3. Kuman Thong: A small statue of a little boy dressed in traditional Thai costume. Kuman Thong translates to Golden Boy. It is said that if Kuman Thong is kept well fed, it can bring good luck and wealth. It costs around THB 400 (USD$10).
  4. Muntjac Antlers: These are animal parts which are highly revered by Thai people. The Antlers of Muntjac are said to bring financial prosperity. It can cost around THB 2,000 (USD$53.00).

Amulets can cost as little as 10 or 20 baht(USD$0.50) and up to hundreds if not thousands of baht or more. Prices are rarely displayed, implying some haggling or bargaining is necessary.

Besides amulets, this market also offers other types of jewelry, souvenir items, talismans, traditional medicines, and all sizes of Buddha statues. For a more unique souvenir, purchase a Khon, it’s a type of theatrical mask that is delicately crafted by hand.

Bangkok Amulet Market: Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit the Bangkok Amulet Market is on Saturdays and Sundays, generally between the hours of 09:00 and 17:00. The market is at its best on the weekend when all the shops are open.

How To Get There?

The Amulet Market is located between the Chao Phraya River and Maha Rat Road, which is to the West of Wat Mahathat.

The market is serviced by ferries from Tha Maharaj River, Chang Pier, and Phra Chan Tai Pier.

A Few Additional Points

Unlike at many other markets, the shopkeepers don;t hassle you to buy anything. They will guide you to buy the right amulet for your purpose.

While you’re in the area, don’t forget about the nearby side alleys towards the river. Some heavy rings and amulets may catch your eye, and there are enough cheap food stalls to feed the staff that work in the immediate area. You can also get a custom-made talisman for yourself for fortune, goodwill, health, prosperity, and more.

If you’re on your way to the Grand Palace or want to experience one of the most unique markets Thailand has to offer, then it’s worth exploring the Bangkok Amulet Market. And, if you find Hindu and Buddhist cultures intriguing, the Bangkok Amulet Market is perfect for you.