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The Chao Mae Tuptim Shrine Will Make You Blush

Tucked away amongst the high rise offices, condos, and shopping malls of Bangkok’s Chit Lom area is the Goddess Tuptim Shrine, sometimes referred to as the Bangkok Phallic Shrine. It’s a shrine uniquely adorned with several phalluses ranging from small wooden carvings to 3-meter-tall stone sculptures decorated with ribbons.

The shrine honors Chao Mae Tuptim, a female fertility spirit.

Women visit this shrine when they’re trying to conceive, leaving offerings of lotus and Jasmine. And if rumors can be believed, the shrine has a good success rate. If their wish is fulfilled, women will return and place another phallus at the shrine as a gesture thanking the goddess.

Little is known about the origins of the shrine, which now stands on the grounds of Nai Lert Park in the heart of Bangkok. What can only be recalled of how the shrine came to be, is that a spirit house was built by businessman, Nai Lert, for the spirit who was believed to reside in a large Ficus tree in a previous location.

Prayers & Offerings at the Chao Mae Tuptim Shrine

Offerings of fragrant Jasmine garlands, incense sticks or lotus buds are commonly placed at the shrine. The star attractions here are the phalluses though. When confronted by this extraordinary and hidden-away display, many first-time foreign visitors blush.

But sexual imagery is not uncommon in Thailand. Much of modern Buddhism has its roots in India’s ancient Hinduism, and many spiritual rituals and symbols are shared by both religions.

Bangkok Amulet Market shop

These particular phalluses, or lingams, have their origins from the fabled Hindu god Shiva and are sold at many markets as amulets for protection and good luck. They’re also believed to have some mystical influence over the cashflow of businesses, so don’t be surprised if you spot one lying discreetly next to a cash register – or even dangling from the rear-view mirror of a taxi.